IBC2023 1st Place Winner Interview
I: How do you feel about gaining 1st place?
A: I feel really grateful.
B: I think that we were very lucky, we met the best team, and we feel good.
I: Can you introduce your team’s idea and how did you come up with that?
A: Our idea was about the delivery service for foreigners. It was not just an ordinary delivery service, but we created one that is exclusive for foreigners based on the results of the unique test we have conducted. There were a few exchange students who told one of us that it was very hard to find halal food in here, so we thought that we could help them, and this is how we came up with the idea.
I: That is interesting, Do you have any advice for the next participants?
A: Ummm.. I think if you do not sleep and do your best, you are gonna have a chance to win the prize.
I: So, do you think that not going to sleep was the strength of your team?
A: But in fact we all had about 10 hours of sleep in the last three days, so I still think it was really important to work hard on the presentation.
I: What do you think is the strength of your team? How did you guys win?
A: I think each of us actually has our own different strengths; For example, Though B is not an economic major, she was in charge of doing math (calculation of revenue and profit, etc.). For C, She was in charge of designing the presentation, and for me, I was in charge of providing ideas to the team, and that’s why we make a good team by making full use of the strengths of each member
I: Lastly, have you encountered any difficulty during the IBC?
A: Because we are all from different countries, communication was difficult sometimes but we got over it as we spent more time together.
すべて表示Interviewer:I Interviewee:A,B,C I: How do you feel? I:2位という結果になりましたが、今の気持ちを教えてください。 A: It felt like a year honestly, although we only had...